If this is making its way around, it's got to be on Google. And so it is.
"Yesterday we discovered that Care2.com servers were attacked, resulting in a security breach. The hackers were able to access login information for a limited number of Care2 member accounts. Our team has worked to secure Care2.com against this type of attack from recurring.
To protect Care2 members we are resetting access to all Care2 accounts. The next time you login to Care2, you will be automatically emailed a new password, which will enable you to access your Care2 account as usual.
To secure your privacy, we highly recommend you immediately change your password for any accounts that share the password you previously used on Care2.
We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Given our large membership size, we have become a significant target for spammers and hackers over the past few years, and this was the first hacking attempt that successfully breached our protective walls. We take the security of our members very seriously and are taking this extreme step of changing all passwords to reduce the chances of any possible negative consequences."
More details here.