For the last couple weeks, all’s been pretty quiet on the Downadup/Conficker front.
But vigilance never sleeps. As a part of the information security circle, we're still performing our ‘daily patrols’, watching for signs of something new. Quiet moments like this give us a chance to reflect on what has come to pass so far.
Read more.
For those of you looking for a quick-and dirty rundown of the link, here’s the timeline summarized:
November 22, 2008: W32.Downadup is released
December 28, 2008: W32.Downadup.B is released
March 4, 2009: W32.Downadup.B downloads W32.Downadup.C
April 1, 2009: W32.Downadup.C begins checking 500 of 50,000 domains
April 7, 2009:
* W32.Downadup.E is seeded into W32.Downadup.C P2P network
* W32.Downadup.E updates W32.Downadup.B
* W32.Downadup.C downloads other risks