::Trend Micro Threat Resource Center::

27 December 2009

(Not So) Happy Holidays from Koobface

New variants of Koobface are emerging that attempt to trick Facebook users in to downloading fun images or gifts, associated with the holiday season. Please be careful on all social networks as they are very popular and a target for malware writers and criminals to take advantage of folks.

Extract from report:
"Activities associated with
Koobface have increased during the month of December. This morning we noticed a trend with some of the domain-based locations making use of the holiday theme. This has included everything from “presents for your pets” to “festive holiday trees” – these are domains that appear legitimate but are not.

When users go to these sites for these happy holiday thoughts – they are instead instantly greeted by having files downloaded to their computers. And voila – a lovely “gift” is attempting to execute upon them. The gift of holiday identity theft!"