Fake Amazon newsletters have lately become regular visitors in inboxes around the world, says Trend Micro.
With "Amazon.com Deal of the Day" in the subject line, coming from seemingly legitimate Amazon email addresses, and looking a lot like legitimate newsletters with product endorsements coming from the online retail giant, the spam campaign was probably pretty successful.
A click on any image or link embedded into the email would lead the victim to a possibly malicious site.
According to the various entires on Amazon's forum, similar messages that contained endorsements for Viagra and other pharmaceuticals instead of items on sale at Amazon. A quick roll-over over the links with the mouse revealed all of them to be directed to a Russian domain.
As one of the forum visitors commented, the problem with this kind of email is that the text is the same as in the legitimate Amazon emails, so if she labels it as spam, her email filter will block every future Amazon email of this kind.