An IM variant of the well-known "Solve the IQ test, get your results on you mobile phone" scam has been spotted by a Trend Micro analyst.
He received a couple of messages via Yahoo! Messenger, apparently sent from his cousin's account to all her friends:
The format of the message exchange convinced him that he was chatting with a bot. He followed the link, solved the test and was presented with the following request:
A quick look at the "Summary of Terms" at the bottom of the page revealed that apart from gaining your phone number and probably spamming you some more in the future, the scammers are also trying to get you to part with your cash.
If you enter your cell phone and press the "See My Results" button, you are simultaneously agreeing to subscribe to receiving some mobile content, and for this service you will be charged from $9,99 to $19,99 per month.
On a side note - if you want to see what bots are capable of doing on social networks, go here.