::Trend Micro Threat Resource Center::

24 June 2011

Scaling with Consistency: ISO 27001

Attended a talk today on "Scaling with Consistency: ISO 27001", jointly organised by IT Standards Committee (ITSC) and the Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP).

The guest speaker is Mr Goh Thiam Poh, Operations Director from Equinix Singapore. He shared with us the processes and lessons learnt while pursuing the ISO 27001 certification for Equinix Singapore, and how to manage Information Security consistency and yet be able to scale as the business grows.

Speaker Biography: As Operations Director for Equinix Singapore, Mr Goh Thiam Poh is responsible for the operations performance of the Singapore IBX centres.

Mr Goh has 15 years of management experience in the Telecommunications and Data Centre industry. Prior to joining Equinix, Mr Goh was Director, Hosting Infrastructure Engineering for Singapore Telecommunications Ltd where he led the implementation of the SingTel regional data centres in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korean and Australia.